
My Own Fukase

WORLDPREMIERE 25 November 2023 @Inkonst , Malmö, Sweden

A seamless, cinematic blend of movement, projection, film, subdued light, drone and deafening lamentation. Polyphonic compositions and deep delving into the pleasantly unpleasant.

In “My Own Fukase” , a fate-saturated collage, we encounter a seamless, cinematic mix of movement, projections, film, subdued light, drone and deafening lamentation . Humans are fascinated by the grotesque; we massage bruises even though it hurts. We are disgusted by the smell of decay and at the same time attracted to it –Why is that?

In his interdisciplinary work choreographer Maria Naidu collaborates with composer Kent Olofsson, visual designer Tomas Romlöv and lighting designer Ulrich Ruchlinski/imULto.

The artistic process is inspired by the complex artistry of the Japanese photographer Masahisa Fukase (1934-2012). In his work, Fukase treated love, loss, loneliness, despair, self-destruction and mortality at different levels of depth and abstraction, in a raw, compulsive, sometimes comical and emotional way. “My Own Fukase” explores and draws on these themes through large-scale polyphonic choreography and sound composition, created for one sole live body/voice.

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Doris Do or Don't


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 A Toast to absent friends

”to absent friends
to those we have met
to those we have yet to meet
to those who have left us for a while
and to those who have left us forever
let us lift our glasses
and drink a toast
that they may abide in our hearts
to absent friends”
For my friend Søren…


Som förkroppsligad Cocktailmusik flyter dansaren omkring bland minglande gäster.Tätt inpå utan att vara närgången.

Möt en danskonstnär

MARIA NAIDU berättar om sitt liv som internationell danskonstnär. Från början tills….NU!
Maria presenterar sitt konstnärsskap och berättar om sina livsval. Varför valde hon att viga sitt liv åt danskonsten? Varför flyttade hon utomlands? Varför kom hon tillbaka? Vad driver henne att fortsätta? Få svar på dessa och andra frågor och njut av en stunds dans.

the beginning of an artist talk…