OFF until 19 august! 🙂
OFF until 19 august! 🙂
Once again, Maria has the pleasure of performing in this GEM by Annika B. Lewis. This time at Passage festival in Elsinore, DK. Info here: https://passagefestival.nu/en/performance/happiness-unltd-pop-up-bureau-en/
One more week spent in the fantastic art work by visual artist Peter Johansson https://artistpeterjohansson.com. This time mainly with the fabulous dancer and choreographer Maud Karlsson https://www.maudsart.se.
Check BOTH of them out!
WE performed at Malmö Sommarscen and …. are all eager to do this again sooooooon!
For one week, Acting/performing in visual artist Peter Johanssons work The Garden of Eden @ Open Art Örebro. More about Open Art here: https://openart.se/