Attending PAMS in Seoul, South Korea.
Introducing Mr. Daniel Eriksson who will attend PAMS to represent Maria Naidu/arms&legs! Meet him at Booth 46!
To stack wooden logs
Landskrona teater , SverigeRoom X @ Landskrona teater!
Creation Vägsjälar
Malmö , SverigeAttending CINARS
Daniel Eriksson is representing Maria Naidu/arms&legs @ CINARS. Meet him at the Nordic Square!!!
Bastionen Norravallgatan 28, Malmö, Sverige
Bastionen Norravallgatan 28, Malmö, SverigeVägsjälar. Atalante, Göteborg
Atalante Göteborg
Attending Scenkonstgalan in Gothenburg!
The Life and Times of Ms. Karen Henderson
Dance Place Washington DC, Förenta Staterna, USAAustin, Texas
Artist Residency in Malmö together with choreographer Petra van Noort
Danscentrum Syd Bergsgatan 29, Malmö, SverigeShowing Workshop Valerie Green At 1 PM and 3 PM on september 6+7!
Movement in The Dome
An ongoing artistic research on how the presence of moving bodies will affect the visitors to the Dome in Lund.
Movement in The Dome
An ongoing artistic research taking place at the Dome in Lund.
International Cultural exchange. New York City
Take Root Series@Green Space Performances
Movement in the Dome
An ongoing artistic research taking place in The Dome in Lund, Sweden.